SA8000: Social Accountability Management

April 14th, 2023

Maddalena S.p.A. obtained the SA8000 Certification in 2021 and since then it has continued to improve its social performance, as evidenced by the positive results of the annual inspection audit carried out on the 12th of April 2023 by the CISE certification body.

The SA8000:2014 standard  (SA: Social Accountability) is the first international standard about Corporate Social Responsibility; it is a management model that aims to enhance and protect the human resources of those organizations that adopt it and want to stand out for their commitment to sustainable development, particularly in the field of social issues

Social Fingerprint

The Social Fingerprint is a social performance self-assessment tool based on nine indicators regarding the Management System. Each indicator is evaluated on a scale that goes from 1 to 5, where 1 represents a low performance and 5 represents an excellent performance.

The average result obtained by Maddalena in 2022 is of 4,2, which has increased with respect to the 3,7 reached in 2021. This means that the Company has achieved a high maturity level in managing social responsibility and has demonstrated a constant commitment to continuous improvement.

Supply Chain

Furthermore, during this last year, the Company implemented a process of sharing the principles of SA8000 not only internally but also with the most relevant suppliers and partners: this initiative has the goal to extend the social responsibility throughout the entire value chain and to prevent potential risks linked to the violation of workers’ rights by suppliers. Requesting documentary evidence or filling sustainability ratings is a consolidated practice within the entire supply chain, and also Maddalena chose to fill, for example, the Ecovadis ESG Rating in order to meet the clients’ requests.

Good practices

During the inspection audit have been highlighted some “good practices” carried out by the Company and that we would like to share:

  • Maddalena Learning Center, a multimedia platform dedicated to in-person and distance training: within the system, already known to the auditors, in-depth training courses on the labor contract and payroll reading were also uploaded and made available during 2022. The objective of these courses was to increase transparency and understanding of pay items and contract terms and conditions, important for the norm.

  • Corporate Butler, an initiative co-financed by the Call #Conciliamo , implemented with the contribution of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Family Policies. Considered an innovative figure within the Italian corporate landscape, the Corporate Butler is an employee who is responsible for providing services and assistance to colleagues with the aim of facilitating work-life balance. Examples of services fulfilled by the butler include booking medical appointments, picking up medications, small purchases and phone calls, paying bills, etc.

  • SA8000 KPIs infographic: a graphic document that illustrates in a simple and clear way the main corporate performance indicators as of 12/31 each year, now in its third edition. The infographic not only provides an overview of Maddalena’s social sustainability numbers, but also contains a QR code to report any complaints or suggestions to members of the Social Performance Team (SPT). 

The implementation of the new corporate website in October 2022 enabled the introduction of an in-depth section devoted specifically to sustainability. Ample space was reserved for actions and achievements in the ESG sphere, Agenda 2030 issues and, of course, the SA8000 Standard. In addition, the topic under certification also found space within the Company’s first Sustainability Report.

Maddalena S.p.A., conscious of being at the beginning of its sustainability journey, demonstrates once again to be one of the most cutting-edge sustainable companies in Friuli Venezia Giulia in the field of corporate social responsibility, able to combine economic success with respect for people and the environment.

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