Maddalena S.p.A. joins Animaimpresa

January 19th, 2021

Maddalena S.p.A.’s choice to join Animaimpresa association of social promotion aimed at spreading CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and sustainable development – represents an important step in the sustainability path that the company has chosen to begin.

Being an active part of this qualified and active community of companies, underlines Maddalena’s commitment to a dimension of social responsibility that involves all spheres, economic, social, environmental and Governance and leads to stakeholder engagement.

Strengthened by its one hundred years of history and experience, the company is ready to transform the unconscious adoption of the numerous activities implemented with the Board, employees, suppliers, customers, into a real cultural leap that lead it towards a path of strategic sustainability as a source of competitive advantage.

To spread an accurate metering and measuring culture towards better use of water worldwide fulfil our vision. By sharing these values, Maddalena offers its concrete contribution to projects working towards the 17 SDG’S of the United Nations and acts towards Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.

The launch of the partnership with WAMI – Water With A Mission –fits well in this context. Thanks to the adoption of the Maddalena branded Clima Bottles, has the threefold objective:  raise awareness of the fundamental right of access to water, contribute to our chosen solidarity initiative with a donation of 84 million liters of water as well as reduce the use of single-use plastic within businesses.

This project helps Maddalena S.p.A.
contribute to the 2030 Agenda Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

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