2030 Agenda

2030 Agenda is a programme of action for people, the planet and prosperity signed on 25 September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries.

Businesses are called to contribute concretely, with their work, to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their corresponding 169 specific targets by 2030.

The 2030 Agenda emphasizes the unsustainability of the current development model, not only from an environmental point of view, but also from an economic and social one, finally  affirming an integrated vision for the different facets of sustainability.

12 out of 17 goals achieved by Maddalena

Maddalena S.p.A. works on 12 of the 17 sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda and highlights its contribution to their achievement through a range of activities both within and without the Company.

Working together with Animaimpresa  and with the full support and involvement of our internal CSR Manager, we were able to concretely map all the actions that we have undertaken, as a company, in the context of sustainability.


Goal 3 Good health and well-being
Goal 3 Good health and well-being


To contribute to the goal of improving health and well-being, Maddalena S.p.A. has put into action a variety of projects aimed to all our 150 employees and all our stakeholders, especially those within our local community and territory.

Our new partnership signed at the beginning of 2023 with CTF Victorious goes in this direction: Supporting cycling as a sport and encourage an ever wider uptake of cycle-to-work options. In addition, mention must be made of our supplementary health insurance (Metasalute), the implementation of the Safechain app for the containment of Covid-19 infections, as well as our participation to the Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) project that, in its first year of running, focussed on healthy and correct eating (with the addition of portions of fruit and vegetables portions to the menu of our company canteen, and the introduction of healthier and Zero-Miles products in our vending machines) while orienting our corporate culture towards a smoke-free environment.
In addition to this, our ISO 45001 certification and our compliance to the international SA8000 Social Accountability standard, as well as our successfully passing the Workplace Condition Assessment remain a testimony to the commitment of Maddalena S.p.A. in guaranteeing the best possible conditions for the health and well-being of our personnel.

Goal 3 Good health and well-being


Training our personnel and aiming at the  enrichment of an intellectual capital to complement our human capital are  essential to our growth and to our being able to stand out in an increasingly competitive market”.

Education and training have been for many years, if not since our very beginning, an extremely important aspect on which we invest time and resources as a company. Drawing on this principle and in the wake of a dynamic push towards the digitization of our business processes, we have established the Maddalena Learning Center, a  multimedia tool and platform for advancing the development of skills and talents.

Another important element in the company’s contribution to achieving Goal 4 has been the introduction, in 2019, of the G.B. Maddalena Scholarship, an award worth 10,000 Euros for the children of employees who wish to undertake a university education course after high school.

Maddalena S.p.A. believes in helping young people to enter the world of work and take the fullest advantage of their experiences. For this reason, we have set up numerous cooperation projects with schools, universities and research centres. Continuing Education comprehensively summarizes our company’s approach to the issue of quality education.


As of 2022, Maddalena S.p.A. counts with 43 women out of 141 employees. Many of these women have important roles in the company, starting with our Vice President Clara Maddalena. Appointed Cavaliere del lavoro to the Order of Merit for Labour by the President of the Italian Republic in 2012, over the years Clara Maddalena has also held a range of posts of responsibility, including Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce of Udine, President of the Board of Auditors of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) in Udine, as well as National and Regional Councillor and Member of the Board of National Auditors in AIDDA (the Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Company Managers).

With Goals 5 and 10 we rightly talk about social sustainability. The breadth of the actions that we have set out encompasses not only our employees, but also their families. The concrete application of work/family balance actions sees its greatest expression in the projects financed by the #Conciliamo Initiative,  promoted by the Department for Family Policies of the Presidency of the Council, which aims to support interventions to foster social projects tailored to families, and to improve the quality of life of workers.


The core business of Maddalena S.p.A. is intrinsically linked to Goal 6 of the 2030 Agenda: Bringing innovation on the subject of water metering means conceiving and manufacturing innovative, advanced and metrologically reliable meters. The vision and the mission of our company actively embrace the principles of water efficiency towards a Sustainable Development.

Since its very beginning and the first in its sector, Maddalena S.p.A. chose to become part of the #Valore Acqua per l’Italia Community, a multi-stakeholder platform promoted by The European House Ambrosetti and supported by a number of partners operating throughout the extended water supply chain, which aims to promote water as a driver of sustainability and development, while offering credible proposals to the country as a whole.

It is also important to recall how Maddalena S.p.A. has been committed since 2020 to promote a message to increase the awareness of water and its responsible consumption, starting with the new generations. During World Water Day 2021 and 2022 we announced a number of projects, ranging from public/private partnerships with the Municipality of Povoletto and CAFC, the Water Utility in Friuli, to the publication of an important message on sustainability.

In partnership with WAMI, we were able to finance the construction of a distribution system that connected to the water network 20 families in the village of Tenghori, Senegal.


Three objectives are included under the heading Sustainable Growth: 7. Affordable and clean energy, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 12. Responsible consumption and production. In fact, we believe the entire corporate-wide planning in relation to these aspects may be encompassed by this single item, leading back towards innovation and development actions, with careful attention to the Environment (ISO 14001:2015). We are talking about energy efficiency projects, such as our investment in our new photovoltaic system, our new manufacturing plant built to meet energy class A4 requirements, but also the provision of charging stations for electric cars. This area also includes our remote reading solutions, that Maddalena S.p.A has been offering for a number of years already, used to read water meters and thermal energy meters remotely, and allowing the latter to connect and exchange data with a range of networks using fixed and mobile devices, confirming full compatibility with the wM-Bus European Standard (EN 13757) and the OMS specifications. Looking to the future, the implementation of development projects informed by circular economy concepts is one of our Company’s material objectives.


Maddalena S.p.A. has been awarded and recognised as one of the “Fari Manifatturieri” by IP4FVGthe Digital Innovation Hub of Friuli Venezia Giulia, for the  central and strategic use of IoT devices and Big Data & Analytics in next-generation Smart Products.

As part of this project, a scholarship was also made available for a young person under 30 to intern with our company and support the development of digital transformation projects being launched. After 12 months of internship, this person has fully joined the workforce of Maddalena S.p.A., confirming our commitment towards the inclusion of young people in the world of work, in full compliance with Goals 8 and 9  of the 2030 Agenda.

Additionally, this experience confirmed that the use of new technologies is a necessary asset for growth. Building a digital factory requires constancy and method, but above all, it requires us to maintain a flexible approach to the market, adapting our business choices to new opportunities and the changing needs of users.

Partnerships and society

“International collaboration in the fields of science, technology and innovation must be strengthened and a multilateral trading system based on equality must be encouraged.” Thus reads the detail of Goal 17 for Sustainable Development, inviting the  revitalization of the global partnership.

Maddalena S.p.A. strongly believes in the value of partnerships, both commercial and to promote synergies in our local territory. Since the early days of its history, Maddalena S.p.A. has always been a member of a number of trade and industry associations, playing an active role in the development of the sector of measuring instruments, data transmission systems, and sustainable transition.

This is the result of our good governance philosophy. It has been demonstrated that without peaceful societies with equal opportunities to access justice, development cannot be inclusive. The application since 2011 of a 231/01 Management Model together with our more recent SA8000 certification plays a part in the achievement of Goal 16 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

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