28th April 2022: health & safety

April 28th, 2022

In Maddalena, we firmly believe that continuous training in safety and health at work is a fundamental right of every worker.
On March 10 we reached a goal: 1.003 days without accidents in the workplace!
We want to continue along this path by contributing to the achievement of Goal 8, which we hope it will be added to the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.
To achieve this result, we have implemented a series of information and training activities aimed at the involvement of each colleague, starting from the Delegate for Safety through the Supervisors to each individual worker.
All this has been achived because we have choose to commit ourselves towards the standard SA8000 – Social Accountability

For the World Day for Safety and Health at Work we want to remind that it’s important to take concrete steps: this is why on May 10 our headquarter in Povoletto (UD) will host the final stage of the Training Course 81/08 organized by our RSPP Paolo Grossa CEO of Percorso Sicurezza.

This project helps Maddalena S.p.A.
contribute to the 2030 Agenda Goals

Goal 08 decent work and economic growth

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