Smart solutions for the smart cities of the future

July 3rd, 2020


Maddalena S.p.A. offers a wide range of solutions designed for the smart cities of the future. Dedicated to the world of water metering, we offer solutions that enable meters to connect and exchange data with all types of networks, short and long range.

These solutions speed up meter reading times, improve network monitoring and identify possible leaks or anomalies. All radio modules are powered by a long-life battery that lasts from 10 to 15 years depending on the configuration.

Data protection is guaranteed by advanced data encryption. In all cases, the collected data are transmitted to the Cloud and in each case managed in different ways.

From the Cloud, data can be transmitted to the private user, who can then monitor consumption and decide on its management. Similarly, from the Cloud, data can be accessed by the Utility, which can use it to monitor the status of the meter (reading, location, tamper alarm, leakage alarm) and for billing operations.

A pioneer in data transmission technologies, Maddalena keeps up with the challenges of the market and is committed to the continuous development of flexible mobile and fixed reading solutions according to new IoT paradigms and technologies.



Protocolli di comunicazione, soluzioni pensate per le smart cities

SHORT RANGE: WIRELESS M-BUS Currently, the wM-Bus is the most widely used protocol in Europe for the centralisation of metering data and allows reliance on an open and interoperable system (EN 13757). An ideal solution for serving local area networks and for mobile walk-by and drive-by reading.

Tecnologie nate per rispondere alle esigenze dell’IoT: basso consumo, lungo raggio, dati essenziali da diversi sensori, basso costo della rete. Le tecnologie LPWAN si dividono tra capillary (LoRaTM, Sigfox, etc.) e cellular (NB-IoT). Queste sono le soluzioni che serviranno il mondo dell’IoT e le smart cities del futuro superando i limiti delle tecnologie tradizionali.

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