Opening 18th Illegio art exhibition

May 11th, 2022

On May 15, will take place the opening of the 18th art exhibition in Illegio, the result of the collaboration between the small village in Friuli Venezia Giulia and the prestigious museums and collectors from all over Europe.

The common thread of the exhibition is very current: The beauty of reason.

Illegio art exhibition

The message have a great importance and an obvious urgency: to be able to think, accurately, in the best way. The greatness of man begins with his reason.

We want to reflect on what’s going on when we lose the reason, because at this precise moment in history, between armed conflicts and pandemics, that have upset the lives of all of us, it is extremely important to think, actually think well.
It is therefore an itinerary full of twists and turns, that will allow visitors to enjoy the exhibition as a journey through the history of art, also thanks to the narration of the guided tour (always offered to all visitors and included with the purchase of the ticket) that will reveal the symbolic secrets contained in each painting.

Also this year, Maddalena SpA proudly holds the role of Grand Ambassador of Illegio, a small mountain village in the heart of the Carnic Alps that once again hosts the prestigious exhibition which attracts visitors from all over the world.

You can visit the exhibition from 15 May to 16 October. We remind everyone that a reservation is required.

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contribute to the 2030 Agenda Goals

Goal 17 Agenda 2030 Partnership for the goals

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