Maddalena – innovation to be safe

May 25th, 2020


Maddalena responded with the maximum speed to the health and production problems and emergency caused by the COVID-19 spread, putting the protection of the health of our staff at the top of our priorities.

We changed the way we work and we put into effect a specific protocol designed to contain the spread of the virus in the workplace, anticipating, in some cases, the prescriptions later set out by our national Government and our regional Authorities.

Thanks also to the measures we implemented, we are happy to confirm that no infections have been detected in our premises, and we have been able to ramp up our production capacity back to 100% after one month of reduced operations only.

Without compromising our high standards of excellence, we can confirm the continued reliability of our supplies. All our customers are free to place their orders as usual.

We are thankful for our staff. Their commitment and dedication have been paramount in our effort to overcome these exceptional circumstances. These events have certainly highlighted the importance of the human factor, but they have also strengthened our conviction that only sufficient investment in technological innovation will contribute to improving the lifestyle and ensuring the safety of the entire community.

As far as our industry is concerned, remote communication (on which smart metering is based) has become a necessity with an enormous potential that can be leveraged right now, and not just in some far future design.

Maddalena has always believed in this philosophy. We have positioned ourselves at the forefront of technological research. That’s why our communication materials – from our website to our product brochure (WaterCommunication ModulesThermal EnergySystems)– have seen a total restyling to give even greater emphasis to our attention to the design of our products, combining precision, functionality, performance, and practicality of use.

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