R&D management excellence: improving governance, processes, methodologies and tools for new product development

April 26th, 2021



Being able to take advantage of the advice and support of a team of specialists of the caliber of those of The European House – Ambrosetti undoubtedly represents a strategic move in choosing the right partner to direct a process of transformation and change that wants to target a consolidated reality like Maddalena Spa from a company in the “pure metalworking” to “relevant electronics” supply chain.

Davide Amabile, head of the Execution & Project Management area, with the support of Dayana Mejias, expert consultant in the People Innovation area, Ivan Stammelluti, Head of Geyser Innovation, a task force dedicated to innovation in large companies and Sara Grilli, Agile Coaching Specialist who works at Cefriel, make up the team of specialists who will support and assist in this process the group selected within the Research and Development Area of ​​Maddalena in the adoption of new growth methods. The ultimate objective is to arrive, through a process of successive phases, lasting approximately three months, to determine a new possible reference model capable of responding in the best possible way to the needs that have emerged.

The characteristics of flexibility that have always distinguished Maddalena Spa (successful custom products), have made it possible to position the company as the main player in the water metering context at an international level, but at the same time have made management, development and management more complex. evolution of products.

The Technical Department has grown considerably over the years, carrying out both R&D and industrialization activities. A total of a dozen people work there, divided according to different skills in the mechanical, electronic, software firmware, test benches, meter testing, legal validation … We also rely on the valid help of some strategic partners, involved in co-design, with totally dedicated resources to Maddalena” says Filippo Fontanelli, CTO Maddalena S.p.A. who, together with Alessandro Budai, R&D Manager, at the beginning of the year identified the need to concretely intervene on the organization, processes and methodologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the development of new products. “The duration of our projects varies, from a few months to 2 years, due to the long approval times. Furthermore, the increase in the number of ongoing projects makes it difficult to preserve the innovation capability from day-by-day management which often assumes a similar weight in terms of commitments. ”

This is why the company has chosen to be supported by a team of experts for the adoption of new development methodologies (Agile SCRUM HW, hybrid, etc.), with the aim of undertaking a dedicated Agile Scrum Coaching path in particular. to a dedicated project team, to whose members the ownership of the change has been directly left.

For more than 50 years The European House – Ambrosetti has been supporting companies and people in the processes of change and development of managerial and organizational skills and, thanks to its experience in governance models of R&D processes, has set itself from the beginning as ideal partner to support Maddalena in this transformation program, helping to evaluate and direct the people involved towards the most suitable reference model and to support the next phase of implementation.

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