World Water Day 2022: Maddalena spa celebrates water, sports and sustainability

March 23rd, 2022

A special event for Maddalena Spa, one of the leading international companies in the sector of water metering instruments, for the World Day devoted to this precious and essential resource for our planet.

This 22 March, the long-established company based in Povoletto (UD) has decided to host a visit by a group of representatives from ASD Libertas Grions del Torre e Remanzacco, which it has been supporting for two years, following the brilliant results obtained by its young female athletes.

During the visit our attention was paid to the issues of water, sports and sustainability expressed through concrete experiences and company projects” – recounts Arianna Arizzi, CSR manager for the company – “We wanted to seize this opportunity to share an important message even locally, one which takes on real meaning in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility”.

A serious debate about water cannot be postponed anymore. Demographic growth, urbanisation, industrialisation and evolution in lifestyles have an increasingly important impact on the demand and supply of water. The concept of water stress must be counted among the main risks on a global level. In a scenario where this resource is and will always be more and more lacking and precious, Maddalena Spa is carefully working on the concept of metering efficiency in terms of water savings.

That’s why it is fundamental to raise awareness among the new generations about respect and a conscious use of the resource, so that everyone can contribute, each one in their own small way, to goal 6 of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

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